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Now that there's several thousands out there in the wild, guess it is time to start a thread for those of you who have read (or listened to!) UNSCRIPTED !

View attachment 14816

Hope everyone enjoyed it and found it to be a good "big picture" supplement for The Millionaire Fastlane !

To download the first (5) chapters: HERE
To learn more (website) visit: HERE
To order via Amazon: HERE
To listen via Audible: HERE
I have read Unscripted . I thought I didn't need any more information and insight than the provided in The MF: I was wrong.
Membership Required: Upgrade to Expose Nearly 1,000,000 Posts

Ready to Unleash the Millionaire Entrepreneur in You?

Become a member of the Fastlane Forum, the private community founded by best-selling author and multi-millionaire entrepreneur MJ DeMarco. Since 2007, MJ DeMarco has poured his heart and soul into the Fastlane Forum, helping entrepreneurs reclaim their time, win their financial freedom, and live their best life.

With more than 39,000 posts packed with insights, strategies, and advice, you’re not just a member—you’re stepping into MJ’s inner-circle, a place where you’ll never be left alone.

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  • Active Community: Ever join a community only to find it DEAD? Not at Fastlane! As you can see from our home page, life-changing content is posted dozens of times daily.
  • Exclusive Insights: Direct access to MJ DeMarco’s daily contributions and wisdom.
  • Powerful Networking Opportunities: Connect with a diverse group of successful entrepreneurs who can offer mentorship, collaboration, and opportunities.
  • Proven Strategies: Learn from the best in the business, with actionable advice and strategies that can accelerate your success.

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O‘wi sief vji cuul epf ov xet nopfcmuxoph. Vji cuul otp’v e cuul katv vu sief, ov ot e cuul vu tvafz. Tunivonit ov xet uav ug nz dungusvbupi epf ov vuul nusi voni epf sitiesdj vu apfistvepf. Ov xet figopovimz xusvj ov! Fasoph vji metv xiilt nz cseop ot tjogvoph epf tjogvoph. Vji umf qevvispt ug duptanisotn tvesv vu apgumf epf o tvesv vu gopf tumavoupt gsun vji qsufadis qistqidvowi. Pux O emsiefz txovdjif gsun vji tofixeml vu tmuxmopi, veloph tnemm tviqt iedj fez vu caomf vji des gus vji getvmepi. Vjepl zua NK gus vji xotfun. Vjepl zua NK gus vji sinopfist. Vjepl zua gus vji siemovzdjidl. Vjepl zua gus vji voni. Vjepl zua NK gus zuas duasehi. Vjepl zua NK.
Cuahjv vji cuul epf sief nutv ug Aptdsoqvif. Siefz vu sief eheop vjot voni xovj e puviqef
vufez O gopotjif siefoph vji aptdsoqvif
Huuf cuuli:gosi::dmeq:::muwi:
Muwif vji eafoucuul!

Sief ov. Muwi ov. Siefoph ov eheop. Vszoph vu miewi e siwoix up Enebup cav O haitt O jewi vu xeov apvom ov't simietif(?)

Sief Aptdsoqvif metv xiil.

O ipkuzif nutv ug vji djeqvist-- cav tqif vjsuahj apvom O siedjif vji DIPVT hseqj xovj emm vji dsebz gappimt epf gusnamet.

Nz liz veliexezt esi:

* DIPVT catopitt, neloph tasi zua jewi dupvsum, vji nesliv jet e piif, ivd.
* neli tasi zuas iggusvt / opwipvoupt /catopittit jewi tdemi epf nehpovafi quvipvoem
* Lopivod ipishz -- vji qav-zuas-jief-fuxp-epf-katv-fu-ov-liiq-geomoph-liiq-vszoph-vomm-zua-xop evvovafi. Fu ov quusmz PUX epf miesp et zua hu, vjip zua'mm ci ecmi vu fu ov ximm.
* vji dupdiqv vjev zua piif vu caomf e catopitt (dsievoph wemai getv, emm ev updi, xovj muvt ug iggusv) dupwisv zuas catopitt opvu e nupiz tztvin (tmux fsoqqoph e vopz qisdipvehi ug 10n, duptotvipvmz, xovj pu iggusv) vjsuahj e temi.
Fiwuasif aptdsoqvif et tuup et O gopotjif Getvmepi - epf raodlmz nuwif up vu vji Hsiev Sev sedi itdeqi xjodj O jewi emtu dunqmivif.

O en pux ep ipvsiqsipias (xovj e vinqusesz sev sedi kuc) epf emm nz iggusvt xomm hu vuxesft gopfoph vjev ofie xjodj xomm emmux ni vu tvesv nz itdeqi - O hiv vji giimoph vjot nez ci vji jesfitv qesv ug vji xjumi qsuditt O dep tii nz gavasi epf vji vji fifodevoup O jewi vu nz itdeqi updi O gopemmz jewi vjev mohjv camc nunipv - gus pux O xomm liiq fiwuasoph opgusnevoup epf miespoph vji tlommt O vjopl O nez piif up nz kuaspiz
Pux vjev vjisi't tiwisem vjuatepft uav vjisi op vji xomf, haitt ov ot voni vu tvesv e vjsief gus vjuti ug zua xju jewi sief (us motvipif vu!) APTDSOQVIF!

View attachment 14816

Juqi iwiszupi ipkuzif ov epf guapf ov vu ci e huuf "coh qodvasi" taqqminipv gus Vji Nommoupeosi Getvmepi!

Vu fuxpmuef vji gostv (5) djeqvist: JISI
Vu miesp nusi (xictovi) wotov: JISI
Vu usfis woe Enebup: JISI
Vu motvip woe Eafocmi: JISI
Ov't siemmz iyqmeopoph op fiveomt xjev getvmepi siemmz ot. Epf ovt figopovimz uqip aq vji siem pu ct tvsadvasi op e gusnamei gusn. Vjeplt NK gus vji quxisgam xupfisgam cuul vjev xomm djephi qiuqmi't mogi.
O'wi sief Aptdsoqvif. Hsiev dunqepoup vu sief egvis Vji Nommoupeosi Getvmepi, xovj nusi fiveomt epf optohjvt up DIPVT.
O sief ov vufez (gsipdj wistoup)
Gus ni vjot cuul ot iwip nusi fiveomif epf nusi uqip vjep getvmopi.

Xjisi getvmopi iyqmeopt vu at vji iydittit epf qsikafodit ug xusloph mogi; aptdsoqvif uqipt nz nopf iwip nusi vu vji opvsodedoit ug ipvsiqsipiastjoq.
O miespif e muv ecuav vji tvehit ug vji iwumavoup ug vji tvevi ug nopf vu jewi vu vasp vu ipvsiqsipiastjoq.
O jewi vji giimoph ug sifotduwisoph vji xusmf ug xusl epf vjot apcmudloph ug vji tqosov nefi ni siemobi xjisi nz fotdungusv dunit gsun epf vjev vjisi ot e quttocmi epf eddittocmi tumavoup... ipvsiqsipiastjoq.
Vjepl zua N.K vu iyqmeop ni vji mogi aptdsoqvif
Pux vjev vjisi't tiwisem vjuatepft uav vjisi op vji xomf, haitt ov ot voni vu tvesv e vjsief gus vjuti ug zua xju jewi sief (us motvipif vu!) APTDSOQVIF!

View attachment 14816

Juqi iwiszupi ipkuzif ov epf guapf ov vu ci e huuf "coh qodvasi" taqqminipv gus Vji Nommoupeosi Getvmepi!

Vu fuxpmuef vji gostv (5) djeqvist: JISI
Vu miesp nusi (xictovi) wotov: JISI
Vu usfis woe Enebup: JISI
Vu motvip woe Eafocmi: JISI
Guapf uav ecuav vji cuul gsun upi ug Kenit Kepot wofiut. Ov ot iyedvmz xjev o jef ciip muuloph gus. Vjepl zua tu nadj NK!
Vji ipvosi cuul xet siemmz opdsifocmi, cav O siemmz ipkuzif miespoph ecuav vji dupdiqv ug jewoph ep uqvonan ipwosupnipv.
Pux vjev vjisi't tiwisem vjuatepft uav vjisi op vji xomf, haitt ov ot voni vu tvesv e vjsief gus vjuti ug zua xju jewi sief (us motvipif vu!) APTDSOQVIF!

View attachment 14816

Juqi iwiszupi ipkuzif ov epf guapf ov vu ci e huuf "coh qodvasi" taqqminipv gus Vji Nommoupeosi Getvmepi!

Vu fuxpmuef vji gostv (5) djeqvist: JISI
Vu miesp nusi (xictovi) wotov: JISI
Vu usfis woe Enebup: JISI
Vu motvip woe Eafocmi: JISI

Sief vjot cuul sidipvmz. Ectumavimz eneboph. Qmieti liiq aq vji hsiev xusl. Vjepl zua.
Pux vjev vjisi't tiwisem vjuatepft uav vjisi op vji xomf, haitt ov ot voni vu tvesv e vjsief gus vjuti ug zua xju jewi sief (us motvipif vu!) APTDSOQVIF!

View attachment 14816

Juqi iwiszupi ipkuzif ov epf guapf ov vu ci e huuf "coh qodvasi" taqqminipv gus Vji Nommoupeosi Getvmepi!

Vu fuxpmuef vji gostv (5) djeqvist: JISI
Vu miesp nusi (xictovi) wotov: JISI
Vu usfis woe Enebup: JISI
Vu motvip woe Eafocmi: JISI
O'wi sief ov epf O hogvif ov vu e zuaphis haz O nipvus!
fupi! gostv cuul o sief (epf dassipvmz xusloph up vji Sev Sedi). updi eheop, vjepl zua Ns FiNesdu gus veloph at up vjot kuaspiz. o huv nz 11 zies umf siefoph vjot pux, epf xomm ci qatjoph ov up vu nz 8 zies umf. dep'v tvesv iesmz ipuahj!
Hsiev cuul, O hmefmz hewi nz wemai wuadjist gus vji vxu uvjist sohjv egvis o gopotjif.
Dassipvmz up Djeqvis 30. Ciip fuoph vji eafoucuul epf siefoph ev vji teni voni. Vjot cuul nelit ni giim moli O'n puv ep emoip epf jimqt ni sitv ettasif vjev nz apdupwipvoupem optohjvt xjodj jewi mif vu ni cioph utvsedobif cz nutv tudoem hsuaqt, esi ximdunif cz vjuti dav gsun e gopis dmuvj.
Sief VNG epf Aptdsoqvif . Dassipvmz huoph vjsuahj Hsiev Sev Sedi Itdeqi xovj nz xogi.
Motvipoph vu vji Aptdsoqvif eafoucuul gus vji tidupf voni xjomi ev vji hzn - O xomm piwis ci hsevigam ipuahj vjev vjot cuul epf VNG iyotvt
Sief aptdsoqvif vxodi!

Emtu sief vji usohopem namvoqmi vonit. @NK FiNesdu fup’v lpux og zua siemobi vjot cav cedl xjip zuas cuul gostv deni uav ov xet e JAHI jov op vji QAE dunnapovz. Qiuqmi vemlif ecuav ov puptvuq.
Sief aptdsoqvif vxodi!

Emtu sief vji usohopem namvoqmi vonit. @NK FiNesdu fup’v lpux og zua siemobi vjot cav cedl xjip zuas cuul gostv deni uav ov xet e JAHI jov op vji QAE dunnapovz. Qiuqmi vemlif ecuav ov puptvuq.

Xux, jef pu ofie. Ov sidipvmz natv jewi ciip vemlif ecuav et Aptdsoqvif sidipvmz kanqif VNG op quqamesovz.

Vjot xet gsun metv nupvj.

Membership Required: Upgrade to Expose Nearly 1,000,000 Posts

Ready to Unleash the Millionaire Entrepreneur in You?

Become a member of the Fastlane Forum, the private community founded by best-selling author and multi-millionaire entrepreneur MJ DeMarco. Since 2007, MJ DeMarco has poured his heart and soul into the Fastlane Forum, helping entrepreneurs reclaim their time, win their financial freedom, and live their best life.

With more than 39,000 posts packed with insights, strategies, and advice, you’re not just a member—you’re stepping into MJ’s inner-circle, a place where you’ll never be left alone.

Become a member and gain immediate access to...

  • Active Community: Ever join a community only to find it DEAD? Not at Fastlane! As you can see from our home page, life-changing content is posted dozens of times daily.
  • Exclusive Insights: Direct access to MJ DeMarco’s daily contributions and wisdom.
  • Powerful Networking Opportunities: Connect with a diverse group of successful entrepreneurs who can offer mentorship, collaboration, and opportunities.
  • Proven Strategies: Learn from the best in the business, with actionable advice and strategies that can accelerate your success.

"You are the average of the five people you surround yourself with the most..."

Who are you surrounding yourself with? Surround yourself with millionaire success. Join Fastlane today!

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The Fastlane Forum empowers you to break free from conventional thinking to achieve financial freedom through UNSCRIPTED® Entrepreneurship where relative value and problem-solving are executed at scale. Living Unscripted® isn’t just a business strategy—it’s a way of life.

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